Constantin Mashinskiy – 365 Parisiens
Constantin Mashinskiy est un graphiste et directeur artistique russe, résidant à Paris depuis 2011. Dans son projet 365 Parisiens, il s’impose la contrainte de la photo quotidienne, en shootant chaque jour un inconnu croisé dans la rue. Cette série est aujourd’hui constituée de 120 clichés en noir et blanc, chacun accompagné d’une citation du modèle ou de la réflexion personnelle de l’artiste.

#029 — He was hanging close to the métro

#021 — He was drinking a coffee under the rain

#015 — She put on the hood just before I took the photo

#014 — Suddenly, two professional models sitting behind a café window

#006 — After few seconds they started laughing about the drawn attention

#005 — He started to play the harmonica for his dog

#041 — She was waiting for a friend

#045 — “Take a picture, but let me work”

#100 — “So, you take pictures of local alcoholics”

#078 — I think I’ve crossed him on the street some years ago

#061 — He was reading a magazine

#046 — “I hate smiling”

#035 — I think she plays piano
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